A Communal
Response to
Learn more
Learn more Because No One Should
Have to Choose Between
Paying Rent and Putting
Food on The Table

Kehilla Montréal Residential Programs™

Housing is the single greatest expense in the family budget. The choice for many living on limited income is to spend disproportionately on housing – and jeopardize other essential needs like food, clothing and transportation. The gap between income and housing costs underscores the need for affordable housing. However, there is a scarcity of low-cost, safe and well-maintained housing options in Montreal – and more than 25,000 households are currently on a waiting list.

Translated from Hebrew, “kehilla” not only means community but embodies community as well. This initiative is the product of the vision and commitment of a group of dedicated community members who championed the objective to develop a response to the need for affordable, good quality and safe housing solutions.

“Because of a bankruptcy that I can’t get out of yet, nobody would even consider giving me a lease without half a year’s rent upfront. We were going to be evicted in 2 months with nowhere to go. But thanks to Kehilla, we finally have a place we can call home. A place where nobody treats you differently.”

Howard, tenant, Kehilla Montréal Residential Programs™

Created in 2014 as a communal response to these pressing housing needs, Kehilla Montréal Residential Programs, a registered not-for-profit charity, strives to improve individual and family quality of life through new, innovative solutions and the provision of affordable, quality housing.

Why We Need You

Households on waiting list for low cost housing
Median rental costs increase
of Montrealers live under the poverty line

Looking for safe, affordable, quality housing?